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Need to pee on the run? Don’t want to duck behind a neighbor’s roses?? here are my thoughts on the travel Jane disposable Urinal – Review. plus a marathon training update! go to for notes, links and photos.

I didn’t mention it on the episode but I stepped up my mask game and have the best new face mask.I randomly found this cute face mask online and 1000% had to have it because:

A.) It’s a Dia de los muertos design

B.) I’m a redheaded Mexican on a mission to step up my mask game

C.) All my other face masks have lip-gloss marks on them

D.) I knew my nieces would love it considering that we dance to Poco Loco (from the motion picture Coco)

Bonus: See the site for the song as done in the motion picture here – Poco Loco. E cel mai bun!

*See that elegant face Mask Neck Gaiter for women or men on Amazon here*

Recently all public restrooms were closed due to the pandemic – but what’s a runner to do if you have to pee while out on a run?! So today I’m examining a disposable urinal that might stop you from having to decide between peeing behind a tree and risking arrest or cutting your run short. Don’t make it weird. fine – let’s start off with a warm up!

I’ve made a decision to just step forward and train for a fall marathon as if the world is delighted and healthy. My rough draft plan for this year was to run a half marathon every month as a solid training run and run a marathon in the fall and one in the winter. 

But we’ve all been foiled by the evil villain – Coronavirus. Boo.

So marathons and half marathons… races of all distances have been cancelled or changed to virtual runs all around the world. 

Note: In case you missed it and are interested in a virtual race… check out my virtual Race ideas podcast episodes 123 and 124. 

I’ll put links on Run eat so you can check those out. 


The new York City Marathon, originally scheduled for Nov 1st was officially cancelled this week. 

Many runners barely started training for it considering that it’s a full training cycle out! 

Just like I said about the Boston Marathon cancellation in a previous episode – this seems like bad news for other races scheduled before or around that date.

All of this is to say – I’m sorry if you were planning on running Boston, nyc or any other race that’s been cancelled this year. It sucks. 

And it sucks that we don’t know when life will get back to ‘normal’ or at least a new normal. We don’t know when big races will be able to host thousands of runners at their start line. having a certain date or light at the end of the tunnel would be great. 

Since there are a lot more unknowns than knowns – we’re kind of all on our own to decide what to train for, how hard to train, what races to register for, if we must take time off or use this time to get in the best race ready shape ever!

As someone who runs best when I’m running a lot of races – it’s hard for me to improve without them. 

My ‘speed work’ if you could call it that has generally been half marathon races as tempo runs in the past. (Just doing that and not mid-week speed work indicated I had a terrific workout but wasn’t also fatiguing myself during training runs and had time to recover. I wouldn’t recommend this for everyone but it worked with my type C personality and need to be social at races because I don’t have friends.)


It’s tempting for me to fall off the marathon training wagon and just run random miles everyday for fun. but that’s what I was doing last year and this year I wanted to train hard. 

So I have a choice – 

I can accept that there are no races and just run for fitness and fun… 


I can train for a fall marathon like I originally planned and if all the races are cancelled – run it essentially to see where my fitness is on race day. 

And I’ve made a decision to train to run a marathon in the fall. I’d love to run a ‘real’ in person big city marathon… but I realize that’s highly unlikely and I don’t want to do it at the cost of my health or any individual else’s health. So it might be virtual and that’s okay. 

I just don’t want to wait until I know 100% for sure the race will be held – because we might not know that until next year. 

I think if I had an remarkable race year last year I’d be a lot more likely to just run for fun. and I think that might be the wiser choice! but given the speed bumps I faced last year – freezing my eggs and then breaking a bone in my foot… I feel so out of shape. I want to train for a marathon even if it is the first Run eat Repeat Marathon Fiesta!

So… I started a short daily check-in to paper my marathon training on Run eat That’s why I originally started RER – to papPregătirea er pentru primul meu maraton acum 10 ani !!

Și de -a lungul anilor am făcut bloguri despre atâtea alergări și mâncare. Dar personal îmi place să primesc actualizări pe video sau podcast -uri – așa că o fac așa de data aceasta.

Deocamdată este un check-in zilnic pe Run Eat Repetare (în fiecare săptămână în zi) pe videoclip. Aș putea împărtăși audio pe podcast pe drum-check-in-urile sunt destul de scurte, așa că nu știu dacă ar merita să fac asta. Dar îl puteți vedea pe Run Eat – voi pune un link în notele de spectacol.

Jurnalul de antrenament maraton Ziua 1

Cum să vă antrenați pentru o cursă virtuală Partea 1

Cum să -ți conduci cea mai bună cursă virtuală partea 2

Running Podcast 127 Eveniment principal:
Recenzie urinală de unică folosință – AKA BAG PORTABIL PEE

Faceți clic aici pentru a vă bucura de Videoclipul de recenzie urinală Jane Jane Jane

Travel Jane Portable URIAL – Recenzie pentru alergători.

Travel Jane Portable Review urinale.

Mai multe videoclipuri

0 secunde de 8 minute, 1 secundă

Memorie Jessica Simpson – Open Book Review


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Am încercat călătoria Jane – o urină personală portabilă pentru femei și am o recenzie, idei despre cum să o folosesc și unde să o obțin.

Mă antrenez pentru un maraton și cu închiderea recentă a toaletelor publice, a restaurantelor, a magazinelor și a multe altele – nu a fost nicăieri să plece pee în timp ce ieșea în fugă. Așa că am luat o decizie la BYOPB (aduceți -vă propria geantă de pipi) și am încercat această geantă urinală de unică folosință.

Puteți obține călătoria Jane pe Amazon aici.


Sunblock – Nu este ciudat să putem pune o cremă care blochează soarele ??

Prosoape de hârtie – asta a fost o idee grozavă.

Cea mai amuzantă persoană pe care o cunoști. Ei ar trebui să aibă un premiu.

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Ai o fugă grozavă!

Link -uri subliniate pe acest podcast:

Iulie care rulează Calendar Imprimat

Masca de față pe care o port

Fata de transpirație a feței solare

Continuați să optați pentru acestea:

Marathon Training Day 1 Video Journal

7 pași pentru a vă antrena pentru cea mai bună cursă virtuală

7 idei pentru a -ți conduce tot posibilul în ziua cursei virtuale

Iulie care rulează Calendar Imprimat

Trimite -mi cartea de lucru

1 etave

Împărtășirea este grijulie!








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